Sunday, February 21, 2016

Grocery Haul - Feeding a Family of 5 for under $100

In any given month, between my husband and I have a way of spending a fortune on food, whether at the grocery or eating out.  When I went back through our bank statements I was shocked to find that there were months we had spent more than $1,200 on food alone!!  And no, we do not have that kind of money to spend!

As part of my 2016 goals, I made a commitment to meal plan, meal prep, and cook at home.  I utilized Pinterest for recipes and also started shopping at Aldi.  Oh, and I started using more card (credit or debit) for food.  CASH ONLY!  This will be really hard for my husband which I'll explain later.  But for this week, we're going to have the following meals:


  • Toaster Pastries
  • Frozen Waffles
  • Toasted Oats
  • Salads (I will use lettuce, cottage cheese, cucumber, tomato, spices, a little olive oil)
  • Lunchables (for the days the kids don't want to buy their lunch)
I also picked up stuff for snacks (chips, cookies, applesauce, pudding, apple juice, and fruit snacks).  For the lunch critics, yes I know lunchables are not the healthiest for the kids, but one of my kids is super picky and I'm just happy if he eats.  I put links to the two meals I am making from Pinterest in case you're interested.

I ended up going to Aldi ($51.00), Kroger ($16.32), and ValuMarket ($16.05) and spent a total of $83.37!!  Now, in all fairness, I already had milk, bread, 2 packs of chicken breast, and a pound of sausage.  but even if I had bought all that I would have been right at about 100.  For 5 people....for a whole week!  So yeah...I'm a little excited.  And now I'm going to run off and work on prepping some of this so it'll be ready to go for dinners.  Below are a few pictures of what I got....It's not a complete photo spread because it turns out I'm out of memory on my phone, but I'll make sure I'm more prepared next week.


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